Important information about how to get involved and eligibility to volunteer in 2023

Volunteer applications open on Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 9:00am and close Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 5:00pm.

Volunteer Applications 

  • Volunteer applications will open on Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 9:00am and close on Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 5:00pm. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • Applications must be made online at volunteer application.
  • When appointing volunteers, Mission Australia staff will consider a range of factors such as availability, reasons for applying, previous volunteer experience and general experience.
  • All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via email by Thursday 30 November 2023.
  • Unsuccessful applicants can elect to join a volunteer reserve pool from which future appointments may be made, such as to fill any withdrawals or if a need for additional volunteers is identified.
  • Each volunteer must submit their own individual application. While friends and family members may wish to volunteer together, there is no guarantee that you will be allocated the same or similar roles. Please ensure you are aware of this prior to applying.

Volunteer Requirements

Volunteers must be:

  • Available to fulfil your volunteer commitment on Christmas Day, Monday 25 December 2023, on the hours allocated to you. Alternatively, be able to commit to your shifts in the lead up to the event.
  • Aged 18 years or above, as at 11 December 2023. Note, should your application involve children under 18 years, please see ‘Under 18’ comment on application form, regarding accompanying children, before submitting your application.
  • Willing and able to attend one of the two volunteer sessions, being held at The Rise, 28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands 6051 WA on Tuesday 12 or Wednesday 13 December 2023 (6:00pm – 7:30pm). In addition, if you wish to apply for a supervisor role, you must be willing and able to attend a site induction during the week leading up to the event in December (time TBC). Failure to attend all induction components allocated to your role will deem you ineligible to volunteer on the day .
  • Capable of carrying out activities and duties associated with the role for which you have nominated.
  • Responsible for all costs associated with travel to and from the event and associated activities (i.e. inductions)
  • Fully versed on the requirements denoted in the position description for your role (provided in the volunteer section of the website, prior to submitting your details)
  • Willing to wear the volunteer t-shirt provided to you at the in-person volunteer induction.
  • Aware that there will be photography and filming undertaken on the day and, give full authorisation to Mission Australia to utilise your photograph, video or film likeness for any legitimate purposes.
  • Fully committed to maintaining Mission Australia’s reputation as a national charity which stands together with Australians in need until they can stand for themselves, and embodying our values of compassion, integrity, respect, perseverance and celebration.
  • Fully compliant with all health, safety and environmental concerns, such as those covered in your volunteer induction process. You agree that you will not do anything to endanger the personal safety of yourself or others. This includes refraining from language or behavior towards any other person or child that may reasonably be perceived as inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, with the intent to humiliate or shame, or is culturally inappropriate. Further, you agree that you will report any and all concerns immediately, to the relevant supervising volunteer, Mission Australia staff member or contracted service (e.g. security, first aid).
  • Aware that it is expressly forbidden to consume or be otherwise under the influence of alcohol at any stage while volunteering with Mission Australia. Event staff (including volunteers and contracted services e.g. security) reserve the right to refuse entry to any intoxicated person or otherwise remove them from the premises.
  • A team player. This event requires many months of planning and a great deal of effort from both volunteers and staff, with many people and many activities being coordinated and executed throughout the day. You agree to approach your commitment with a positive, collaborative, can-do attitude, no matter how challenging the situation at hand.
  • In full care of their possessions on the day, knowing that Mission Australia has no responsibility to keep your possessions secure.
    Accepting that Mission Australia may cancel or change my volunteer position based on changing circumstances.
  • Willing to complete a Working with Children Check, if your role requires it, as a safeguard to children attending the event and as a requirement by Mission Australia..

Due to high demand, late applications will not be accepted.

Under 18?

Mission Australia is committed to the safety of our volunteers and to ensuring our national volunteering guidelines are followed at all times. For these reasons, we cannot accept applications from people who will be under 18 years of age at the time of volunteering.

As this day is first and foremost about bringing hope, compassion and celebration to some of the most marginalised and disadvantaged people of Perth, and due to the busy nature of these volunteering permissions, it is not feasible for parents or guardians to fulfil their volunteering commitments while simultaneously ensuring adequate supervision of their children.

You can bring your children on the day but, you must ensure there is an additional adult (18 years old+) to supervise them at the event.

We understand this may be disappointing for families with minors who may which to be involved and, in turn, we thank you for your understanding on this matter.

For other ways to get involved, keep scrolling for further information provided below.

How else can you help?

The event relies on the generosity of the Perth community,  both as volunteers as well as contributing financially or through services in kind.

Through the support of individuals, families and Perth businesses, we can work to ensure no one is alone on Christmas Day.



Help bring hope, compassion and celebration to someone in need this Christmas and beyond by making a donation.





Provide support through sponsorship to enable us deliver the event and change Christmas for over 1200 of Perth's most in need people.